Compiling a program consisting of several files in C. Instructions to separate the files into header .h and .c files. Separating type definitions and external functions.
Computer Science learning blog
Compiling a program consisting of several files in C. Instructions to separate the files into header .h and .c files. Separating type definitions and external functions.
Computers represent all of its data using the binary system. In this system, the only possible values are 0 and 1, binary digits, which are also called bits. The demonstration below shows the bit-level representation of some common integer data-types in C. In this post, we’ll see how to understand…
A retrospective of my first year (2020) learning programming. Comments about what courses and resources I followed to start learning.
First impressions of “The C Programming Language” by Kernighan and Ritchie. Is this a good book to start learning C?
I commented before on what I consider one of the best resources to learn programming: Project Euler (PE). In this post, I will share my recommendations to solve PE problems based on my experience after solving 100+ problems on the site. Who could this be useful for? I’m new to…